Monday, June 24, 2013

The Pilot

"Seeing that a Pilot steers the ship in which we sail, who will never allow us to perish even in the midst of shipwrecks, there is no reason why our minds should be overwhelmed with fear and overcome with weariness." -John Calvin

Yesterday and today have been much less stressful. In church yesterday, our friend Saskia, who is very active in the CVJM, shared about the ten months she recently spent sharing the Gospel in Tanzania. At the end, she challenged the rest of those present to think about Acts 1:8 and telling others about Jesus in their Jerusalems. For the rest of the afternoon, I enjoyed doing nothing productive. When evening came around, I play a game of soccer with Jörg, Tim, and Jan. (I'm getting better, but I need to work on kicking the ball inside the bounds.) Afterwards, Jörg and I drove around Heidelberg, visiting Stift Neuburg, a monastery in Heidelberg, and the Königsstuhl, which is the largest mountain in the area and has an incredible view.

Today, our team continued construction on the third story and exterior of the CVJM. We started the day off with a prayer and a story about how the CVJM came to Meckesheim and the founders desire to reach young people. The construction started off very frustrating because I was asked to make the scaffolding (which I built Saturday) less safe. To avoid unnecessary stress, I switched tasks and worked on laying plywood and securing beams. We ended work early and spent time getting to know Mary and Alan better. We ended the night with a dinner that Mary cooked for us.

I'm beginning to feel much better about this week. While no human day is ever without frustrations, I've felt much less stressed today and am almost looking forward to work tomorrow. I can only trust that God, who guides my life, will continue leading me where He wills and that He will keep me safe until I go home to Him.

I would asked two more specific prayer requests: 1) One of the missionaries has an extremely ill family member. Please pray for the family member, the missionary, and the family 2) My mom is now in Kharkov, Ukraine, leading a VBS team there. Please pray that the Spirit will work in the lives of these children and that the government will not hinder their ministry.

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